zaterdag 12 juni 2010


Before I can proceed I must set definition for the terms atheist and non-atheist.
An Atheist don't believe in a supernatural being or a group of supernatural beings who has a plan for humanity.The atheists consider that there is no higher being in creation then man.

A non- atheist or better said a theist (theos= god) believes in a supernatural being or a group of supernatural beings who has a plan for humanity and is rewarding and punishing thouse who are not cooperating with the Divine plan.

God is most of the time a name given to a power or complex of powers which surpasses our understanding. Some of the theists consider that the power is within and other theists consider that this power is beyond the physical universe. Through these powers different persons have got tremendous results: healing of diseases which scientists declared that they are incurable . others got creative ideas though which they got rich etc.

But there is a group consisting of million men and woman who cannot be placed neither in the group of theists or atheists, because they have characteristics of both groups. These ones believe in a power which is within and without which can be reached through the theistic way by prayer of adoration and also through the non-theistic way by going into the silence and get contact with the energyfield beyond the energy of atoms, electrons, photrons, neutrons etc. This field is called in Transcendental Meditation the Unified Field. It's good to know that the word meditation has a complete other description when practiced by theists or by non-theistic ones. They have not certain strange beliefs that theists carry around.*

The new era in science begun by Carl Gustav Jung and Einstein and they were followed by Fridjof Copra and Deepak Chopra. These great thinkers could have united the group of atheists and theists if ignorance and fanaticism could have been erased in each of these groups. Those antagonistic groups would have understood that the energy beyond all energies is called God by the one side and at the other side it's called Nature.
The Energy beyond all already known energies cannot be erased by no one and till now no one-neither those who call this energy God and nor those who call it Nature- has got to know this Energy completely. And we are part of this energy, called God or Nature. What's in a name!
In the third edition of “Tao of Physics” Fridjof Copra distinguished 6 paradigms which are now used by scientists.

a. The ancient paradigm of Democritus which was further developed by Descartes and Newton was based on the study based ofthe different parts of a unity. Those scientists of the past could not imagine the dynamics of the wholeness on the parts. The change came after the quantum energy was revealed to the minds of men. (This was not revealed by God, no. It was revealed when men could have a jump in consciousness and come to an enlightment about the unity of all. Plato called the source of inspiration, the Plane of Ideas)
b. The second paradigm came after putting emphasis on the process and not on the structure. We call this the theory of relativity.
c. The third paradigm is that you cannot separate the observer from the process of observation. The observer influences by his thoughts processes of observation, for example some seeing light sometimes as a stream of electrons and sometimes as a wave.
d. The fourth paradigma within the new development in science is, that you must see all as a network and not as a primal force, secondary force and so on. This was based on different observations, for example the fact of observing that neutrons can become neutrons, photrons or electrons or vice versa.
e. The fifth paradigm is that scientist has come to the conclusion that you cannot explain all with the reason.
f.The paradigm of controlling nature is changed more and more into the one of cooperaration and synchronizing with nature.

* But there is another problem about Godconcepts. The same persons who describe God as the source of Love, describe him as one who punishes and rewards. The same ones who consider God as an eternal being, consider that he is doing something now and somemething tomorrow. In short they are talking about a God who is captivated in time and space.
**And then they cross the line of all good understanding saying that the all-loving God has sent his son to be crucified so that all men can be saved. I don't believe in such a God. Neither do I consider that God needs a being called devil who has to test people on their readiness to be in heaven. Jesus was crucified not for our sins, but through our sins.
***I believe in evil as something created by men during the many aeons of creation and part of that evil is the way many religions describe the Eternal One.

So with this long story , I wanted to say 1. theists and atheists are giving just different names to the same energy and 2. never any of them will understand the workings of that energy if not through synchronization, resonance with that energy 3. Perhaps we have the need to give this all present and all-pervading energy a name, but the Energy will stay the same energy with whatsoever name you label it.

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