vrijdag 30 april 2010
donderdag 22 april 2010
E komunikashon aki ta diferente na e diferente otro komunikashonnan di e Blog aki, pero semper e tin di haber ku sinseridat pa ku otro-identifikashon khorizontal- i pa e Ser Supremo-identifikashon vertikal.
Pakiko Gobiernu i sierto partido politiko a traha un Konstitushon sin hasi esfuerzo di involunkrá partispashon di tur gremio di nos komunidat dor di forma un Asamblea pa traha riba Konstitushon?????
Un Asamblea pa traha riba Konstitushon ta un reunión nashonal –den e kaso aki pa ku territorio di Kòrsou- forma dor di delegashonnan di diferente gremio di pueblo –pues no un Asamblea representativo, pero un partisipativo- elegí of nombra denter di kada gremio ku e ophetivo espesifiko di forma reglanan di funshonamento i distribushon di Poder komo fundeshi di su sistema polítiko i soshal i di konkretisá e reglanan a través di un pakto polítiko den un Konstitushon ku lo fiha i dikta reglanan pa konstrukshon di un Estado nobo i di konbibensia entre e Poder publiko i sosiedat, ku e obligashon di sigui Principio di Trias Politika i rèspèt pa e Derechinan Fundamental di Hende.·
*Esei ta un sistema di establesé un demokrasía partisipativo i kibra e sistema di regentenan iluminá ku tin e lema di tur kos pa e pueblo, nada dor di pueblo. ·
*A base di artikulo 8 di Deklarashon Universal di Derechinan Humano lo mester tin un lei a base di kua siudadanonan lo por manifestá nan derechinan fundamental.
*Siudanonan di kada bario òf grupo di bario ta haña partisipashon konkreto pa ku nan bario.
woensdag 21 april 2010
What the personalitY is we can know through the different psychologists and philosophers, but not all people are acquainted with the word "causal body" or" supracausal body".
The Monad is a spark of the Divine Fire, a light-beam of the Divine Light, a fragment of the Divine Life, a projection of the First Logos.
The Soul OR Supracausal body is a projection of the Monad. The relation of the Soul to the Monad is as the circle to the point of the circle. The soul consists of the so called higher triad: atman (Will), budhi (Activity) and Higher manas (wisdom).
The personality is a projection of the Soul. Its relation to the Soul is as a free electron to an atom. The personality consists of the so called lower triad: Lower Manas (intellect), Kama (desires) and Stula (material body).
The causal body owes its name to the fact that in it are residing the causes, which will manifest themselves in the lower planes. It is a vehicle, a chalice for the Soul and expresses all the soul qualities, which the personality has acquired. Only humans have a causal body.
We will reflect on the Macrocosmic process of and in creation and afterwards on the microcosmic process.
The Monad
During every Day of Brahma (creation-period of millions of years) there are created Monads. These Monads project their radiance in the different spheres through the impulses of the First Logos and will be united again with the First Logos before the end of the Day of Brahma. Then follows a Night of Brahman (a non-creation period of millions of years) and in the next Day of Brahma the Monads will go through a higher cycle of development within matter.
The Monad as described in the Theosophical school is the Jivatma of the Indian philosophy, the Purusha of the Samkya philosophy, the Manifested Self of the Vedanta, as Kether in the Qaballistic doctrine.
The Monads come forth from the highest region of Consciousness, Adi (= the first), but reside as a manifestation thereof on a lower plane, the plane of Anudapaka (=without vesture). The Monad on the Anudapaka-plane does not have vehicles of expression yet. It’s important to note that the fields of Consciousness called Adi and Anudapaka exist before the forming of this Universe, of this solar system. There are 7 types of Monads, which correspond with the 7 Planetary Logoi.(The Planetary Logoi are emanations of the Solar Logos.)
Adi is synonym to the Qaballistic concept of “Ain Soph” and Anudapaka similar to “Ain Soph Aur”
Formation of the planes
Before the Monads are projected by the First Logos, the Third Logos (Other names of the Third Logos in different mystical philosophies are: the Holy Ghost, Shiva, Cosmic Architect of the Universe.) works on the primordial matter by throwing its three qualities tamas (inertia), rajas (mobility) and sattvas (rhythm) out of their stable equilibrium into different forms of equilibrium. And so are formed the atoms of the five planes of Atman, Buddhi, Manas, Kama and Stula..
Under the directive activity of the Third Logos the atoms of each of these planes are awakened to new powers and possibilities of attraction and thus are formed the different molecule-structures. This work of the Third Logos is usually spoken of as the First Life Wave or the First Outpouring.
Into the matter formed and vivified through the Third Logos descends then a second Life Wave coming forth from the Second Logos, the Son of the Father. The Second Logos is also called the Weaver for it weaves out of the matter formed by the Third Logos the different Kingdoms (the three elemental kingdoms, the mineral kingdom, the vegetative kingdom, the animal kingdom). The Second Outpouring brought a great differentiation on the different planes of Life. The Second Outpouring brings with it beings of previous stages of evolution to inhabit the three elemental Kingdoms.
The activity of the Second Logos in the field of Stuhla is known as Life Force and in the field of Buddhi as Christ Consciousness.
The attachment of the atoms of the Higher Triad.
After the forming of the five planes, the Monads, which were waiting on the Anudaka-plane, began their process of individualization through the Third Outpouring produced by the First Logos. Now they began to radiate out their energy and they appropriated to themselves atoms of the lower planes. A Monad has three aspects of consciousness- Will, Wisdom and Activity. After the planes of Atma, Budhi and Manas were brought forth by the Second Outpouring /the Second Life stream they sent out a vibratory wave from each of their aspects to the Atmic, Budhic and manasic plane by which the Atmic permanent atom, the Budhic permanent atom and the manasic permanent atom were formed..
These atoms form the Monadic ray, the Higher Triad, the Soul. The higher Triad, which is formed by only a fragment of the Monad, has the full power of the Monad, though lessened in force by the veils of matter round it.
The Monads dwell always beyond the five planes, they stay on the Anudapaka-plane. In that sense they are the silent spectators of the results of their radiation.
The Monad can and does affect the Higher Triad, but exerts only an indirect action on the permanent atoms of the Lower Triad.
The attachment of the atoms of the lower Triad.
The Higher Triad -Atma, Budhi, Manas - projected the Mental, Astral and Physical permanent atoms -the Lower Triad of Manas, Kama and Stuhla- so to be visible in the Physical Universe.
This visible manifestation goes through the different Kingdoms, the mineral kingdom, the vegetative kingdom, the animal kingdom and the human kingdom. As the human kingdom is approached, so the Monadic Essence is more noticeable.
When there is formed enough mental material, the unity with the Monad becomes greater. And through a spontaneous impregnation of the Monad and pulsated by the First Logos, the Causal Body will be formed as a focal point of the Monad. The appearance of the Causal body is at the same time the point of creation of the human soul, the individualization of the consciousness. This process of impregnation from the First Logos through the Monad is called the Third Life-stream.
On the buddhic plane the Second Logos manifests as the Christ-principle in man, but on the astral and mental planes of man it appears in the higher part of the astral as higher emotion and on the lower astral as just life-force.
Individualization, Soul and the forming of the Causal Body
The effort of reaching individualization -the first step on the way of Return- must be made from below i.e. by the animal.
When the process of individualization is taking place, the three aspects must all be called forth, nevertheless the first connection can be made as follows:
1. between the lower manas (intellect) and Manas (wisdom)
2. between the emotional body and buddhi
3. between the physical body and Atman
These various ways of making the connection is based on the character of the Master of the animal.
Sometimes there are examples of an abnormal process of individualization, This can happen through exposure to Great Beings and through pride (this happened with Beings in the Seventh Round of the Moon-chain), through fear or hatred (animals which have been treated cruelly by man), through desire for power over others (power such as is sometimes shown by the chief-bull of a herd)
The Causal Body, which is a vehicle of the Soul (the Triple spirit of Atma, Buddhi, Manas) and a storehouse for the essence of man’s experiences, is made of matter of the higher mental plane-the first, second and third mental plane, thus matter-energy on the plane of Manas.. As the Soul develops, its consciousness will be centered on the plane of Buddhi. In a later stage of evolution it will be residing on the plane of Atman. Whilst evil cannot be stored in the causal body, yet the practice of evil may hinder its development.
The relation of the Monad to the Soul
Each Monad is literally a part of God, apparently separated from Him while the Monad is enclosed in the veils of matter. The Monad can never be separated from God, for the very matter in which it veils itself is also a manifestation of the Divine. This Monad expresses itself through the Higher Triad in the individualized Soul. In the average man the Monad is little in touch with the personality and the Soul. But according to the degree that the Soul is controlling the personality (and this depends on the free will of the personality), the Monad gets more control over the soul. The time will come when the Monad will be one with the Soul, just as the personality becomes one with the Soul at the Fifth Planetary Initiation.
Whilst the Monad can be experienced only by an Adept (=One who has reached the Fifth Planetary Initiation) and the existence of it can only be known by an Arhat (=One who has reached the Fourth Planetary Initiation), still we must not make the mistake to think of the Monad as being very far away. For the Monad is the very root of our being.
The relationship of the Personality and the Soul.
The personality is a fragmented portion of the Soul and is an instrument by which the Soul intends to unfold its latent powers. So it puts itself down into successive personalities in a process which is called reincarnation.. Alas, the personality forgets his true mission –his dharma- and goes its own way.
One must not commit the mistake in thinking that there are two entities in man. Whilst there is mostly a great difference between Soul and personality, the difference is not in nature but in activity. The degree of absorbed soul activity by the personality is projected in a energy link between the Soul and the personality, the antahkarana. This antahkarana is mostly perceived as a thread of silver-white light by clairvoyants.
In ordinary men the soul seems to have neither much grip on the personality, nor a clear conception of its purpose in sending the personality forth. In the average man there is a constant strain going on between the astral and mental bodies –aspects of the Lower Triad- The cause and reason for this is that neither of these two bodies are in tune with the Soul or are prepared to act as a vehicle of the Soul.
The soul itself knows the true from the false, but generally when it casts an eye downwards, it finds so crazy a confusion of inconsequent thought-forms that it cannot distinguish anything definite. It seems to turn away in despair and decides to wait for the quietude of the heaven-world after death, before attempting to pick up the fragments of truth out of the chaos. (The disciple on the Path should of course try to bring about this heaven-world-condition while still in the physical body through periods of meditation and contemplation).
When the powers of the Soul are not stirred and attracted by the personality, the personality cannot respond to the higher vibrations of the higher mental planes of the Causal body. This added value to the soul mechanism of the human being can be fully enjoyed only by a new attitude of not permitting the physical, astral and mental body work on their own, but rather under the guidance of the Soul. This guidance of the Soul is acted upon by attracting a Senior-Disciple (mostly called a Master by us) who guides the process of reaching to the higher levels of being.
(Based on a Scientific paper presented at the 52nd Annual Sessions of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science, November 1996)
In the seventeenth century when Rene Descartes divided everything in the universe into two realms as "Res Extensa" (matter) and "Res Cogitans" (mind), gathering knowledge within the realm of Res Extensa was called Science and the phenomenon of reincarnation got pushed into the other realm Res Cogitans which was condemned to be not respectable and not up to the dignity of Scientists to probe into. Science was considered the respectable realm to study.
All important and respectable knowledge of the universe was thus restricted to science which was restricted to the study of the aspects of the universe that are measurable. Scientists accepted that the universe consisted essentially of "objects" leading to the belief that the ultimate realities of the universe are things and not beings. It was believed that everything in nature could be explained in terms of interactions of matter particles.
Science developed in this framework is known as "Classical Science". Classical Science had great material success because it helped to develop technology which brought about wealth and material benefits to mankind. It helped the West to colonise the rest of the world and acquire economic dominance and political influence.
The frame work of Classical Science was punctured by Henry Becquerel exactly hundred years ago, in 1896, by the discovery of Radioactivity. Albert Einstein cracked it at the beginning of this century by discovering the theory of relativity. It was totally blasted by the advent of Quantum Theory and the Uncertainty Principle. It is noteworthy that Einstein's discovery falls entirely within the realm of Res Cogitans as it did not involve any experiments or measurements.
In classical science scientists made idealised mental pictures of the phenomena to be understood. Imagined mechanisms were usually presented to make various phenomena and relationships between them understood. But as Modern Science boosted man's knowledge transcending the limitations imposed by the five senses and took us to murky areas of nature, profound changes had to be introduced to procedures in science. Our ability to understand everything by way of perceptible mental pictures diminished and it became necessary to imagine models with components which behaved in ways that had no counterparts at all in the world familiar to us. Mechanisms involved in these models in most instances not only are invisible but also consist of elements that operate in ways never known in the world that we actually experience through our five senses.
For example a single electron can pass through two different holes on a screen at the same time and still remain a single particle on the other side. If we use some mechanism such as flashing a light on the electron to observe through which hole it passes, then it will pass only through one of the two holes. Mechanisms of such phenomena are beyond our imagination at least at present. Mathematical models devoid of pictorial content which are typical of modern science resulted from attempts to fit the concepts of atoms and waves to the discoveries made at the end of the 19th century which led to the quantum theory. Classical science usually stood for absolute precision where as modern science stands for impossibility of absolute precision.
Modern science joined up the two realms, Res Extensa and Res Cogitans and made us to understand that the universe cannot be broken up into two independent arbitrary realms as Res Extensa and Res Cogitans. They are not independent and cannot be studied completely independently. Within the establishment of modern science some of the aspects of nature that did not strictly adhere to the realm of Res Extensa, which were therefore earlier condemned as unbecoming of scientists to talk about have become respectable. Reincarnation falls into this category. Therefore scientists now have the professional clearence to scientifically investigate reincarnation. This paper does not distinguish between subtle differences among reincarnation, rebirth and rebecoming.
If reincarnation is to be examined from an unbiased scientific point of view, it is necessary first of all to find a way of bypassing such unscientific barriers as religious bias. This can be done by considering the standard procedure used at present for the acceptance of any modern scientific theory and testing reincarnation by following the same procedure.
Geremy Hayward has described how one ventures to deal with a new theory. He describes this procedure as a four step scientific process as follows;
a) study the relevant phenomenon,
b) formulate the new theory,
c) use the theory to predict observations that we should be able to make if the theory is correct, and
d) look for these predicted observations.
Richard Feynman, Noble Laureate for Physics, describes this process in detail. He combines steps "a" and "b" and describes it as a three step process.
If the observations made in the last step do not agree with the predictions of the earlier step the proposed theory is not acceptable. If they agree the theory becomes acceptable. If more and more observations show agreement the theory receives stronger scientific acceptance. Once a theory becomes scientifically accepted by this test it remains so unless someone finds reliable new data to prove its unacceptability.
Reincarnation is a very old belief and a large fraction of the world population believes it. For example Rene Descartes' statement "What I have said is sufficient to show clearly enough that the extinction of the mind does not follow from the corruption of the body and also to give men the hope of another life after death." in 1641 confirms his belief in reincarnation. About 20 percent of those in the Western World whose religions shun reincarnation nevertheless believe it. According to opinion polls this percentage is rising.
Hence the phenomenon of reincarnation is already known and therefore the steps "a" and "b" are already there. In examining the scientific acceptability of reincarnation therefore one has only to go through the last two steps of the above scientific process. If this is done successfully the scientific acceptability of reincarnation is proved in the way any other theory of modern science is proved.
Reincarnation may be defined as the re-embodiment of an immaterial part of a person after a short or a long interval after death, in a new body whence it proceeds to lead a new life in the new body more or less unconscious of its past existences, but containing within itself the "essence" of the results of its past lives, which experience goes to make up its new character or personality. Thus, infancy brings to earth not a blank scroll for the beginning of a new earthly record, but it is inscribed with ancestral histories, some like the present scene, most of them unlike it and stretching back into the remote past.
Reincarnation is an issue of utmost importance, one that promises to touch the ordinary man, woman and child in a profound and far reaching way. Crime statistics show that convictions are much lower among those who believe in reincarnation than among the others. If scientifically accepted, reincarnation will have a stake in defining human identity in the 21st century.
There are two possible scenarios, No-Reincarnation scenario and Reincarnation scenario that can be considered. Human being is composed of the body and an immaterial part. The body which is the material part is well understood because it fell within the Classical Science realm of Res Extensa and was extensively studied by scientists. The immaterial part has not been studied by scientists because it fell within the Classical Science realm of Res Cogitans.
In the No-Reincarnation scenario death is something like the Event Horizon of a black hole. Crossing the event horizon is a one way journey and after crossing it nothing can come back, not even light. Here the body disintegrates after death and the immaterial part either annihilates or gets into a scientifically unknown state and remains there for ever, ie. each individual is borne, lives one life time and at the end of it passes the event horizon of death to a state of no return.
In the Reincarnation scenario death is not an event horizon because only the body, the material part, disintegrates and goes into a state of no return. The immaterial part enters into a scientifically unknown state and reappears, after a period.
The above description of the phenomenon of reincarnation constitute steps "a" and "b" of the scientific process. The next step of the scientific process is looking for observations that can be predicted assuming the existence of this phenomenon, observations that have a reasonable chance of being practically examined.
Abilities of individuals to carry memories of past events differ widely from individual to individual. Some people can remember events and experiences of long past whereas some easily forget things within a few years. Most people vividly remember special events such as tragic happenings for a very long time, even up to death. Under hypnosis people recollect events which they had completely forgotten. Some people have the exceptional ability to recall knowledge and experiences gathered long ago and use them when necessary. For example a friend of mine who had been discussing Advanced Level Physics with me when he was studying for the GCE AL exam long time ago, but never did any science there after escaped injury in the Central bank bomb blast by instantaneously recalling his memories discussing AL Physics. But others who had studied Physics more recently lost their eyes because that memory didn't flash back to their rescue at the time of impending disaster. As soon as my friend saw the flash of the bomb blast from his window , AL Physics flashed back to his mind and prompted to him that the shock wave comes a little while after the flash. Instantaneously he threw himself back flat on the floor before the shock wave blasted the window glasses.
If reincarnation as defined earlier is true it should be possible to extend some of the above human capabilities, which result from immaterial aspects of the human being, beyond birth to the previous life and even beyond to earlier lives. Some people should be able to remember events in their past lives. Hypnosis must enhance this ability. Some must be able to make use of knowledge and experiences of past lives.
With these predictions we can move on to the last stage of the scientific process, to look for these predicted observations.
A large amount of data has been accumulated by research workers around the world on matters relating to reincarnation.
spontaneous recall of past lives,
past life therapy,
child prodigies and others who can make use of knowledge and experience
gathered in their past lives are some of the aspects that have been subjected to much research and investigation.
The observations made on the above areas agree with the predictions made in the third stage of the scientific process thereby successfully completing the four step test for scientific acceptability. No scientifically acceptable data that can go to prove the scientific unacceptability of reincarnation have appeared in scientific literature so far.
On the basis of these tests it is concluded that the scientific acceptability of the phenomenon of reincarnation is proven at least on three counts in terms of the accepted principles of modern science.
A science minded person often finds it difficult to accept reincarnation because he/she had failed to perceive a reincarnation mechanism that is intelligible within the outdated Decartes' classical science frame work. But Modern Science, specifically Quantum Mechanics, has compelled us to accept unintelligible mechanisms of natural phenomena like the behaviour of electrons and we do not hesitate to accept them. Likewise with the data available we are compelled to accept reincarnation as a reality.
Austrian Scientist Rudolf Steiner says,"Just as an age was once ready to receive the Copernican theory of the universe, so is our age ready for the idea of reincarnation to be brought into the general consciousness of humanity".
zondag 11 april 2010
Dear Friends,
Some philosophical work on the following declaration:
The "What" is up to you, the "How" is up to Universal Consciousness (or God if you like that term). YOU DECIDE ~ Universal Consciousness/GOD PROVIDES. Tell the Universe what you want to experience and then allow God to work out the details for you.
I consider together with Rev. Joel Goldsmith that God will not do today what he hasn't done in eternity. In other words, God IS. He is not becoming, he is not changing. He doesn't do this for you today and for others tomorrow. He is not blessing certain people and condemning others. The God of Abraham, Jacob and Isaac is a wrong description of God by the same Abraham, Isaac and Jacob or by their followers.
There doesn’t exist a God expressing sometimes punishment and sometimes rewards. (This punishment and rewarding occurs through a impersonal law called by men the Law of Karma) God is LOVE and God is WISDOM, God is not a being as us expressing acts of love and of wisdom.
When at last we decided to tell the Universe, what we want and we get afterwards what we asked for, two great principles took place at the same time: 1. We have decided to transcend the personality and the physical universe 2. We declared that we are ready for a certain change. When at last we decided to open our hearts for the abundance of the Universal Consciousness, we must not get stupid and consider that the Universal Consciousness has gone out of eternity and gone into the same trap of consciousness of our personality, a level of yesterday and tomorrow, a trap of here and there.
In the degree that we open our hearts for the total love and wisdom of the Universal Consciousness we will receive. That doesn't imply that the Universal Consciousness has given us something. Assuming this act of giving on the part of the Universal Consciousness is degrading the eternal love and wisdom aspect through clothing it in a time-space aspect. The fact that the personality feel the need to say thanks for receiving according to its opening for the Universal Abundance, doesn't imply that the Universal Consciousness needs that act of thankfulness.
The second part of the phrase “Tell the Universe ………… and then allow God to work out the details for you” must be “ and then the Universal laws knowing all your sincerity at this moment of asking will work out the details for you.Let us give thanks for what we get everyday, but let us have a correct understanding of the workings of the Life-Light-Love principle.