vrijdag 15 oktober 2010
Jehovah in the Metaphysical BibleDictionary of Unity.
Jehovah, je-ho'-vah (Heb.)–He-who-is–who-was–who-will-be manifest; the self-existent One; Ipseity; He who is eternal. In ”I AM THAT I AM,” the absolute verb remains the same. but the prefix changes from manifestation to power, “he” to “I.” The word-for-word rendering of the original would be: “I-am–I-was–I-will-be because I-am–I-was–I-will-be the power to be eternally I.”
Jehovah is one of God's names as given in the Bible. In the Authorized Version it is improperly translated “the Lord.” In the American Standard Version the name Jehovah is given where Jah occurs in the Hebrew text (see Ex. 6:2, 3 and Psalms 83:18).
Meta. Moses says in Exodus 3:14, 15 that Jehovah told him that His name means: ”I AM THAT I AM.” Hebrew students say that the original word is JHVH. which means the ever living male-and-female principle. Lee's Hebrew Lexicon identifies this name with Christ, as the manifestation of God that speaks to patriarchs and prophets. Jesus confirms this in Matthew 22:42-45, where He reveals that the Christ existed before David, whose son He was supposed to be. In the Old Testament the spiritual I AM is symbolically described as Jehovah- in the New Testament it is called Christ.
Creation originates and exists in Divine Mind, God. In the creative process Divine Mind first ideates itself. In the Scripture this ideal is named Jehovah, meaning I AM the ever living–He who is eternal. The creation is carried forward through the activity of the Holy Spirit.
The Hebrew Jehovah has been translated ”Lord.” Lord means an external ruler. Bible students say that Jehovah means the self-existent One. Then instead of reading ”Lord” we should read I AM. It makes a great difference whether we think that I AM, self-existence, is within, or Lord, master, without. All Scripture shows that Jehovah means just what God told Moses it meant, I AM. “This is my name forever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.” So whenever you read the word Lord in Scripture say I AM instead and you will get a clearer understanding of what Jehovah is.
Jehovah-jireh means I AM the provider. If we expect to demonstrate prosperity from without we find it a slow process; but if we know that I AM is the provider we have the key to the inexhaustible resource. God was also known to the Israelites as Jehovah-shalom–”I AM peace.” We can demonstrate peace of mind by holding the words, ”I am peace.” with the understand ing that the real I AM is Jehovah within us. But if we start any demonstration and try to apply the I AM to personality we fall short. This is frequently the cause of failure to get the desired results from the laws that all metaphysicians recognize as fundamentally true. The mind does not always comprehend I AM in its highest, neither does it discern that the all-knowing, omnipotent One is within man.
This recognition must be cultivated, and every one should become conscious of the I AM presence. This consciousness will come through prayer and meditation on Truth. In Truth there is but one I AM–Jehovah, the omnipotent I AM. If you take the word Jehovah-shalom into your mind and hold it with the thought of a mighty peace, you will feel a harmonizing stillness that no man can understand. It must be felt, realized, and acknowledged by your I AM before the supreme I AM can pour out its power.
After experiencing it you know that you have touched a divine something, but you cannot explain to another just what it is, because you have gone beyond the realm of words and have made union with the cause side of existence. It is the quickening of your divinity through the power of the Word. This divine nature is in us all, waiting to be brought into expression through our recognition of the power and might of I AM.
donderdag 7 oktober 2010
Apollonius of Tyana and Madamme Blavatsky
It is said in Isis Unveiled that the greatest teachers of divinity agree that nearly all ancient books were written symbolically and in a language intelligible only to the Initiated.The biographical sketch of Apollonius of Tyana affords an example. As every Kabalist knows, it embraces the whole of the Hermetic Philosophy, being a counterpart in many respects of the traditions left us of King Solomon. It reads like a fairy story, but, as in the case of the latter, sometimes facts and historical events are presented to the world under the colours of fiction. The journey to India represents in its every stage, though of course allegorically, the trials of a Neophyte, giving at the same time a geographical and topographical idea of a certain country as it is even now, if one knows where to look for it. The long discourses of Apollonius with the Brahmans, their sage advice, and the dialogues with the Corinthian Menippus would, if interpreted, give the Esoteric Catechism. His visit to the empire of the wise men, his interview with their king Iarchas, the oracle of Amphiaraus, explain symbolically many of the secret dogmas of Hermes––in the generic sense of the name––and of Occultism. Wonderful is this to relate, and were not the statement supported by numerous calculations already made, and the secret already half-revealed, the writer would never have dared to say it. The
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travels of the great Magus are correctly, though allegorically described––that is to say, all that is related by Damis had actually taken place––but the narrative is based upon the Zodiacal signs. As transliterated by Damis under the guidance of Apollonius and translated by Philostratus, it is a marvel indeed. At the conclusion of what may now be related of the wonderful Adept of Tyana our meaning will become clearer. Suffice it to say for the present that the dialogues spoken of would disclose, if correctly understood, some of the most important secrets of Nature. Éliphas Lévi points out the great resemblance which exists between King Iarchus and the fabulous Hiram, from whom Solomon procured the cedars of Lebanon and the gold of Ophir. But he keeps silent as to another resemblance of which, as a learned Kabalist, he could not be ignorant. Moreover, according to his invariable custom, he mystifies the reader more than he teaches him, divulging nothing and leading him off the right track. Like most of the historical heroes of hoary antiquity, whose lives and works strongly differ from those of commonplace humanity, Apollonius is to this day a riddle, which has, so far, found no Oedipus. His existence is surrounded with such a veil of mystery that he is often mistaken for a myth. But according to every law of logic and reason, it is quite clear that Apollonius should never be regarded in such a light. If the Tyanean Theurgist may be put down as a fabulous character, then history has no right to her Caesars and Alexanders. It is quite true that this Sage, who stands unrivalled in his thaumaturgical powers to this day––on evidence historically attested––came into the arena of public life no one seems to know whence, and disappeared from it, no one seems to know whither. But the reasons for this are evident. Every means was used––especially during the fourth and fifth centuries of our era––to sweep from people’s minds the remembrance of this great and holy man. The circulation of his biographies, which were many and enthusiastic, was prevented by the Christians, and for a very good reason, as we shall see. The diary of Damis survived most miraculously, and remained alone to tell the tale. But it must not be forgotten that Justin Martyr often speaks of Apollonius, and the character and truthfulness of this good man are unimpeachable, the more in that he had
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good reasons to feel bewildered. Nor can it be denied that there is hardly a Church Father of the first six centuries that left Apollonius unnoticed. Only, according to invariable Christian customs of charity, their pens were dipped as usual in the blackest ink of odium theologicum, intolerance and onesidedness. St. Jerome (Hieronymus) gives at length the story of St. John’s alleged contest with the Sage of Tyana––a competition of “miracles”––in which, of course, the truthful saint* describes in glowing colours the defeat of Apollonius, and seeks corroboration in St. John’s Apocrypha proclaimed doubtful even by the Church.†Therefore it is that nobody can say where or when Apollonius was born, and everyone is equally ignorant of the date at which, and of the place where he died. Some think he was eighty or ninety years old at the time of his death, others that he was one hundred or even one hundred and seventeen. But, whether he ended his days at Ephesus in the year 96 A.D., as some say, or whether the event took place at Lindus in the temple of Pallas-Athene, or whether again he disappeared from the temple of Dictynna, or whether, as others maintain, he did not die at all, but when a hundred years old renewed his life by Magic, and went on working for the benefit of humanity, no one can
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* See Preface to St. Matthew’s Gospel, Baronius, Vol. I, p. 752, quoted in de Mirville, VI, 63. Jerome is the Father who having found the authentic and original Evangel (the Hebrew text), by Matthew the Apostle-publican, in the library of Caesarea, “written by the hand of Matthew” Jerome, (De Viris illustr. cap. iii)––as he himself admits––set it down as heretical, and substituted for it his own Greek text. [See B.C.W., Vol. IV, pp. 238-42.] And it is also he who perverted the text in the Book of Job to enforce belief in the resurrection in flesh (see Isis Unveiled, Vol. II, pp. 181 et seq.), quoting in support the most learned authorities. † De Mirville gives the following thrilling account of the “contest.”“John, pressed, as St. Jerome tells us, by all the churches of Asia to proclaim more solemnly [in the face of the miracles of Apollonius] the divinity of Jesus Christ, after a long prayer with his disciples on the Mount of Patmos and being in ecstasy by the divine Spirit, made heard amid thunder and lightning his famous In Principio erat Verbum. When that sublime extasis, that caused him to be named the ‘Son of Thunder,’ had passed, Apollonius was compelled to retire and to disappear. Such was his defeat, less bloody but as hard as that of Simon, the Magician.” (Des Esprits, Vol. VI, p. 63.) For our part we have never heard of extasis producing thunder and lightning and we are at a loss to understand the meaning.––––––––––
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tell. The Secret Records alone have noted his birth and subsequent career. But then–– “Who hath believed in that report?”All that history knows is that Apollonius was the enthusiastic founder of a new school of contemplation. Perhaps less metaphorical and more practical than Jesus, he nevertheless inculcated the same quintessence of spirituality, the same high moral truths. He is accused of having confined them to the higher classes of society instead of doing what Buddha and Jesus did, instead of preaching them to the poor and the afflicted. Of his reasons for acting in such an exclusive way it is impossible to judge at so late a date. But Karmic law seems to be mixed up with it. Born, as we are told, among the aristocracy, it is very likely that he desired to finish the work undone in this particular direction by his predecessor, and sought to offer “peace on earth and good will” to all men, and not alone to the outcast and the criminal. Therefore he associated with the kings and mighty ones of the age. Nevertheless, the three “miracle- workers” exhibited striking similarity of purpose. Like Jesus and like Buddha, Apollonius was the uncompromising enemy of all outward show of piety, all display of useless religious ceremonies, bigotry and hypocrisy. That his “miracles” were more wonderful, more varied, and far better attested in History than any others, is also true. Materialism denies, but evidence, and the affirmations of even the Church herself, however much he is branded by her, show this to be the fact.*
The calumnies set afloat against Apollonius were as numerous as they were false. So late as eighteen centuries after his death he was defamed by Bishop Douglas in his work against miracles. In this the Right Reverend bishop crushed himself against historical facts. [For it is not in the miracles, but in the identity of ideas and doctrines preached that we have to look for a similarity between Buddha, Jesus and Apollonius.] If we study the question with a dispassionate mind, we will soon perceive that the ethics of Gautama Buddha, Plato, Apollonius, Jesus, Ammonius Saccas, and his disciples, were all based on the same mystic philosophy. That all worshipped one [divine Ideal], whether they considered [it] as
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* This is the old, old story. Who of us, Theosophists, but knows by bitter personal experience what clerical hatred, malice and persecution can do in this direction; to what an extent of falsehood, calumny and cruelty these feelings can go, even in our modern day, and what exemplars of Christ-like charity His alleged and self-constituted servants have shown themselves to be!––––––––––
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the “Father” of humanity, who lives in man as man lives in Him, or as the Incomprehensible Creative Principle; all led God-like lives. Ammonius, speaking of his philosophy, taught that their school dated from the days of Hermes, who brought his wisdom from India. It was the same mystical contemplation throughout, as that of the Yogin: the communion of the Brahman with his own luminous Self––the Attan.”*
The groundwork of the Eclectic School is thus shown to be identical with the doctrines of the Yogis––the Hindu Mystics; it is proved that it had a common origin, from the same source as the earlier Buddhism of Gautama and of his Arhats.
The Ineffable Name in the search for which so many Kabalists––unacquainted with any Oriental or even European Adept––vainly consume their knowledge and lives, dwells latent in the heart of every man. This mirific name which, according to the most ancient oracles, “rushes into the infinite worlds, ”† can be obtainedin a two-fold way: by regular initiation, and through the “small voice” which Elijah heard in the cave of Horeb, the mount of God. And “when Elijah heard it, he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out, and stood in the entering in of the cave. And, behold, there came a voice unto him . . .”‡When Apollonius of Tyana desired to hear the “small voice,” he used to wrap himself up entirely in a mantle of fine wool, on which he placed both his feet, after having performed certain magnetic passes, and pronounced not the “name” but an invocation well known to every adept. Then he drew the mantle over his head and face, and his translucid or astral spirit was free. On ordinary occasions he wore wool no more than the priests of the temples. The possession of the secret combination of the “name” gave the Hierophant supreme power over every being, human or otherwise, inferior to himself in soul-strength.§
To whatever school he belonged, this fact is certain, that Apollonius of Tyana left an imperishable name behind him. Hundreds of works were written upon this wonderful man; historians have seriously discussed him; pretentious fools, unable to come to any conclusion about the Sage, have tried to deny his very existence. As to the Church, although she execrates his memory, she has ever tried to present him in the light of a historical character. Her policy now seems to be to
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* Isis Unveiled, Vol. II, p. 342.† [Proclus, On the Cratylus of Plato.] ‡ [1 Kings xix, 13.]§ Isis Unveiled, Vol. II, pp. 343-44.––––––––––
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direct the impression left by him into another channel––a well-known and a very old stratagem. The Jesuits, for instance, while admitting his “miracles,” have set going a double current of thought, and they have succeeded, as they succeed in all they undertake. Apollonius is represented by one party as an obedient “medium of Satan,” surrounding his theurgical powers by a most wonderful and dazzling light; while the other party professes to regard the whole matter as a clever romance, written with a predetermined object in view.In his voluminous Memoirs of Satan, the Marquis de Mirville, in the course of his pleading for the recognition of the enemy of God as the producer of spiritual phenomena, devotes a whole chapter to this great Adept. The following translation of passages in his book unveils the whole plot. The reader is asked to bear in mind that the Marquis wrote every one of his works under the auspices and authorisation of the Holy See of Rome.
It would be to leave the first century incomplete and to offer an insult to the memory of St. John, to pass over in silence the name of one who had the honour of being his special antagonist, as Simon was that of St. Peter, Elymas that of Paul, etc. In the first years of the Christian era, . . . there appeared at Tyana in Cappadocia one of those extraordinary men of whom the Pythagorean School was so very lavish. As great a traveller as was his master, initiated in all the secret doctrines of India, Egypt and Chaldaea, endowed, therefore, with all the theurgic powers of the ancient Magi, he bewildered, each in its turn, all the countries which he visited and which all––we are obliged to admit––seem to have blessed his memory. We could not doubt this fact without repudiating real historical records. The details of his life are transmitted to us by a historian of the fourth century [Philostratus], himself the translator of a diary that recorded day by day the life of the philosopher, written by Damis, his disciple and intimate friend.*
De Mirville admits the possibility of some exaggerations in both recorder and translator; but he “does not believe they hold a very wide space in the narrative.” Therefore, he regrets to find the Abbé Freppel “in his eloquent Essays,†
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* Des Esprit . . . Vol. VI, p. 62. [Full title of Vol. VI is: Des Esprit de L’Esprit-Saint et Du Miracle Dans les six premiers et les six derniers siècles de notre ère, spécialement Des Resurrections de Morts Des Exorcisms, Apparitions, Transports, etc.]
† Les Apologistes Chrétiens au Deuxiéme Siècle, p. 106 [Paris, A. Bray, 1860.]––––––––––
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calling the diary of Damis a romance . “Why?
[Because] the orator bases his opinion on the perfect similitude, calculated as he imagines, of that legend with the life of the Saviour. But in studying the subject more profoundly, he [Abbé Freppel] can convince himself that neither Apollonius, nor Damis, nor again Philostratus ever claimed a greater honour than a likeness to St. John. This programme was in itself sufficiently fascinating, and the travesty as sufficiently scandalous; for owing to magic arts Apollonius had succeeded in counterbalancing, in appearance, several of the miracles at Ephesus [produced by St. John], etc.*
The anguis in herba has shown its head. It is the perfect, the wonderful similitude of the life of Apollonius with that of the Saviour that places the Church between Scylla and Charybdis. To deny the life and the “miracles” of the former, would amount to denying the trustworthiness of the same Apostles and patristic writers on whose evidence is built the life of Jesus himself. To father the Adept’s beneficent deeds, his raisings of the dead, acts of charity, healing powers, etc., on the “old enemy” would be rather dangerous at this time. Hence the stratagem to confuse the ideas of those who rely upon authorities and criticisms. The Church is far more clear-sighted than any of our great historians. The Church knows that to deny the existence of that Adept would lead her to denying the Emperor Vespasian and his Historians, the Emperors Alexander Severus and Aurelianus and their Historians, and finally to deny Jesus and every evidence about Him, thus preparing the way to her flock for finally denying herself. It becomes interesting to learn what she says in this emergency, through her chosen speaker, de Mirville. It is as follows:What is there so new and so impossible in the narrative of Damis concerning their voyages to the countries of the Chaldees and the Gymnosophists?––he asks. Try to recall, before denying, what were in those days those countries of marvels par excellence, as also the testimony of such men as Pythagoras, Empedocles and Democritus, who ought to be allowed to have known what they were writing about. With what have we finally to reproach Apollonius? Is it for having made, as the Oracles did, a series of prophecies and predictions wonderfully verified?
––––––––––* Des Esprits, Vol. VI, p. 62.––––––––––
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No; because, better studied now, we know what they are* The Oracles have now become to us, what they were to everyone during the past century, from Van Dale to Fontenelle. Is it for having been endowed with second sight, and having had visions at a distance?† No; for such phenomena are at the present day endemical in half Europe. Is it for having boasted of his knowledge of every existing language under the sun, without having ever learned one of them? But who can be ignorant of the fact that this is the best criterion‡ of the presence and assistance of a spirit of whatever nature it may be? Or is it for having believed in transmigration (reincarnation)? It is still believed in (by millions) in our day. No one has any idea of the number of the men of Science who long for the re-establishment of the Druidical Religion and of the Mysteries of Pythagoras. Or is it for having exorcised the demons and the plague? The Egyptians, the Etruscans and all the Roman Pontiffs had done so long before.§ For having conversed with the dead? We do the same today, or believe we do so––which is all the same. For having believed in the Empuses? Where is the Demonologist that does not know that the Empuse is the “south demon” referred to in David’s Psalms, and dreaded then as it is feared even now in all Northern Europe? For having made himself invisible at will? It is one of the achievements of mesmerism. For having appeared after his (supposed) death to the Emperor Aurelian above the city walls of Tyana, and for having compelled him thereby to raise the siege of that town? Such was the mission of every hero beyond the tomb, and the reason
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* Many are they who do not know; hence, they do not believe in them.† Just so. Apollonius, during a lecture he was delivering at Ephesus before an audience of many thousands, perceived the murder of the Emperor Domitian in Rome and notified it at the very moment it was taking place, to the whole town; and Swedenborg, in the same manner, saw from Gothenburg the great fire at Stockholm and told it to his friends, no telegraph being in use in those days.‡ No criterion at all. The Hindu Sadhus and Adepts acquire the gift by the holiness of their lives. The Yoga-Vidya teaches it, and no “spirits” are required.§ As to the Pontiffs, the matter is rather doubtful But this alone is no reason why people should believe in this class of spirits. There are better authorities for such belief.––––––––––
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of the worship vowed to the Manes.* For having descended into the famous den of Trophonius, and taken from it an old book preserved for years after by the Emperior Adrian in his Antium library? The trustworthy and sober Pausanias had descended into the same den before Apollonius, and came back no less a believer. For having disappeared at his death? Yes, like Romulus, like Votan, like Lycurgus, like Pythagoras,† always under the most mysterious circumstances, ever attended by apparitions, revelations, etc. Let us stop here and repeat once more: had the life of Apollonius been simple romance, he would never have attained such a celebrity during his lifetime or created such a numerous sect, one so enthusiastic after his death. And, to add to this, had all this been a romance, never would a Caracalla have raised a herôon to his memory‡ or Alexander Severus have placed his bust between those of two Demi-Gods and of the true God,§ (or an Empress have corresponded with him.) Hardly rested from the hardships of the siege at Jerusalem, Titus would not have hastened to write to Apollonius a letter, asking to meet him at Argos and adding that his father and himself (Titus) owed all to him, the great Apollonius, and that, therefore, his first thought was for their benefactor. Nor would the Emperor Aurelian have built a temple and a shrine to that great Sage, to thank him for his apparition and communication at Tyana. That posthumous conversation, as all knew, saved the city, inasmuch as Aurelian had in consequence raised the siege. Furthermore, had it been a romance, History would not have had Vopiscus, one of the most trustworthy
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* De Mirville’s aim is to show that all such apparitions of the Manes or disembodied Spirits are the work of the Devil, “Satan’s simulacra.”† He might have added: like the great Samkaracharya, Tsong-Kha-Pa, and so many other real Adepts––even his own Master, Jesus; for this is indeed a criterion of true Adeptship, though “to disappear” one need not fly up in the clouds.‡ See Dion Cassius, Roman History, LXXVIII, xviii, 2.§ Lampridius, Alexander Severus, XXIX. The passage runs as follows: “Aurelian had determined to destroy Tyana, and the town owed its salvation only to a miracle of Apollonius; this man so famous and so wise, this great friend of the Gods, long dead since, appeared suddenly before the Emperor, as he was returning to his––––––––––
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Pagan Historians, to certify to it. Finally, Apollonius would not have been the object of the admiration of such a noble character as Epictetus, and even of several of the Fathers of the Church; Jerome for instance, in his better moments, writing thus of Apollonius:
This travelling philosopher found something to learn wherever he went; and profiting everywhere thus improved with every day.*
As to his prodigies, without wishing to fathom them, Jerome most undeniably admits them as such; which he would assuredly never have done, had he not been compelled to do so by facts. To end the subject, had Apollonius been a simple hero of a romance, dramatized in the fourth century, the Ephesians would not, in their enthusiastic gratitude, have raised to him a golden statue for all the benefits he had conferred upon them.†
––––––––––tent, in his own figure and form, and said to him in the Pannonian language: ‘Aurelian, if thou wouldst conquer, abandon these evil designs against my fellow-citizens; if thou wouldst command, abstain from shedding innocent blood; and if thou wouldst live, abstain from injustice.’ Aurelian, familiar with the face of Apollonius, whose portraits he had seen in many temples, struck with wonder, immediately vowed to him [Apollonius] statue, portrait and temple, and returned completely to ideas of mercy.” And then Vopiscus adds: “If I have believed more and more in the virtues of the majestic Apollonius, it is because, after gathering my information from the most serious men, I have found all these facts corroborated in the Books of the Ulpian Library.” (See Flavius Vopiscus, Divas Aurelianus, XXIV in Scriptores Historiae Augustae). Vopiscus wrote in 250 and consequently preceded Philostratus by a century. [Cf. de Mirville, Des Esprits . . . Vol. VI, p. 68 fn.] * Ep. ad Paulinam.† The above is mostly summarized from de Mirville, Op. cit., pp. 66-69.––––––––––
Kabinet Gerrit Schotte.Op het kabinet. Hoezee, hoezee, hoezee..

MFK leider en formateur Gerrit Schotte liep vanochtend naar de Kabinet van de Gouverneur om verslag te doen van de formatie opdracht dat hij van gouverneur Frits Goedgedrag heeft gekregen. Schotte zal de eerste kabinet van land Curacao leiden.
WILLEMSTAD — Formateur Gerrit Schotte heeft vanochtend, conform de opdracht die hij van gouverneur Frits Goedgedrag heeft gekregen, verslag uitgebracht. Daarbij heeft hij de gouverneur meegedeeld dat hij een nieuw kabinet voor het land Curaçao kan vormen dat op een meerderheid in de Staten steunt.Hiermee is het een feit dat Kabinet Schotte de eerste regering wordt van het land Curaçao. Ook heeft Schotte de samenstelling van zijn ministersploeg aan de gouverneur kenbaar gemaakt. Hierbij waren er geen verrassingen. De MFK levert vier ministers: Gerrit Schotte (Algemene Zaken), Jacinta Constancia (Volksgezondheid, Milieu en Natuur), Jorge Jamaloodin (Financiën) en Nasser el Hakim (Economische Ontwikkeling). Pueblo Soberano levert drie ministers: Elmer ‘Kadè’ Wilsoe (Justitie), René Rosalia (Onderwijs, Wetenschap, Cultuur en Sport) en Norman Girigorie (Bestuur, Planning en Dienstverlening). De MAN levert twee twee ministers: Charles Cooper (Verkeer, Vervoer en Ruimtelijke Planning) en Hensley Koeiman (Sociale Ontwikkeling en Welzijn).Kandidaat-voorzitter van de Staten van de Nederlandse Antillen is Ivar Asjes van Pueblo Soberano. Amerigo Thodé wordt genoemd als plaatsvervangend voorzitter. Sheldry Osepa, momenteel nog gedeputeerde belast met Staatkundige Structuur wordt Gevolmachtigde minister voor Curaçao in Nederland.Schotte heeft, ook conform zijn formatieopdracht, in hoofdlijnen aangegeven wat de prioriteiten van zijn kabinet zullen zijn. Wanneer het regeerakkoord, dat een uitwerking van deze prioriteiten zal bevatten, af is en aangeboden wordt aan de Staten van Curaçao is het aan de ministeries om het beleid van de overheid samen met de beschikbare begroting verder in de praktijk uit te werken, aldus Schotte.In de nacht van zaterdag op zondag, na middernacht, zal Schotte ook een toespraak houden op het Brionplein, waar de festiviteiten plaatsvinden in het kader van de ontmanteling van de Nederlandse Antillen en de geboorte van het land Curaçao. Zondag staat de eerste vergadering van de Staten van Curaçao op het programma. Dit is een plechtige vergadering, waarbij Goedgedrag zijn ambt als gouverneur van het land Curaçao aanvaardt.De Statenleden van land Curaçao hoeven trouwens geen eed af te leggen bij de gouverneur om in ambt te treden. Het is dusdanig geregeld dat de huidige raadsleden van eilandgebied Curaçao op 10 oktober automatisch Statenleden voor land Curaçao worden.Tijdens de eerste vergadering van de Raad van Ministers zal Schotte gekozen worden tot minister-president van het land Curaçao. Schotte belooft dat zijn regering een andere aanpak zal hebben, waarbij de overheid dichter bij de mensen zal staan.
woensdag 6 oktober 2010
Illuminati (Latin) The enlightened, adepts; a title assumed in Europe by different bodies of mystics at different times, claiming to have attained the faculty of direct vision of divine truth, and also applied popularly to later bodies, such as Swedenborgians and Rosicrucians.
The term Illuminati is used by two kinds of groups:
1. Those who belong to the path of the Great White Brotherhood (the path towards perfection)
2. Those who belong to the Path of the Great Dark Brotherhood (the path towards imperfection).
Those Brotherhoods are not on the physical plane, but more on the supra mental planes of consciousness
Ad 1 If you are saying that the Illuminati have to do with those who are striving or have attained
Christ Consciousness, then you are talking about the Great White Brotherhood.
Rosicrucianism and the Illuminati In one of the degrees of the Rosicrucian Order AMORC you will be said that you are now a member of the Inner Circle, the section of the Illuminati. You are recommended to raise your thoughts to the Celestial Sanctum and be in communion with all those who have ascended to this stage in the studies.
Ad 2 If you are saying that the Illuminati has to do with Hitler, the great materialistic based political
leaders of our plane and conspiracy theories of a secret world order, you are talking about those
who are on the Path of the Great Dark Brotherhood. Sometimes –remember that I said
sometimes- those groups are grouped in lodges with different black magical rituals.
Internet and the Illuminati You will get a lot of stuff on Internet about Illuminati. Sometimes they are talking about version 1 and sometimes about version 2 (see above).
Illuminati and Freemasons If you have a right understanding about Freemasonry, thus if you are not a fanatical religionist, then you are conscious that they pertain to the first version. You are receptive for this axiom: Freemasonry as a organization pertains to the ideals of those who are on the Path of Light and Truth, striving to have the perfection of the Great Architect of the Universe, God.
Note: But this not exclude the possibility that among the brethren of a Masonic lodge there may be a brother who loves the darkness of the personality more then the light of the Higher Self and of the Great Architect of the Universe.
zondag 3 oktober 2010
One of the so many meditation-techniques of Unity
Here beneath is one of the meditation-exercises for beginners in meditation.
Begin your meditation by sitting quietly and focusing on your breath. Allow yourself to become more relaxed with each breath.
Then focus your attention on the crown of the head (which represents the Christ center, in Yoga this light is the Light of the silver cord, the sutratma) and think a thought similar to this: The Christ consciousness is quickened in me! FEEL IT!
Next, move your center of attention to your forehead (in yoga this is the ayna chacra), which represents the conscious level of mind. Realize that you are consciously aware of the Christ consciousness being quickened in you. Say or think:I AM aware that the Christ consciousness is quickened in me. FEEL IT!!
Now move your center of attention to the solar plexus, to our upper abdomen, your center (in yoga this is the manipura chacra). This represents the subsconscious level of mind. Know that the Christ consciousness is being quickened in you at the deepest level of your being by affirming:I AM grateful that the Christ consciousness is being quickened in me. FEEL IT!
Now let your center of attention travel up to the middle of the head, the FAITH center, directly behind your third eye and affirm :The Christ in me calls forth Peter, my disciple-faculty of Faith.According to my FAITH be it done unto me.According to my FAITH be it done unto me. According to my FAITH be it done unto me. FEEL IT!!
Conclude your meditation by feeling energy of gratitude radiates out of your body-temple and before opening your eyes say::I AM Grateful! men.
Open your eyes gently and slowly.
maandag 13 september 2010
PASSAGE: "But Moses said to the people, 'Do not be afraid, stand firm, and see the deliverance that the Lord will accomplish for you today; for the Egyptians whom you see today you shall never see again. The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to keep still.' Then the Lord said to Moses, 'Why do you cry out to me? Tell the Israelites to go forward. But you lift up your staff, and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it" (Exodus 14:13-16).
I think there are two important metaphysical lessons crammed into this brief, decisive moment in the history of the Hebrew people. The first comes from Moses, the second from the Lord. "Stand firm ... the Egyptians whom you see today you shall never see again." Whatever the “Egyptians” may represent in our own consciousness—fears, resentments, thoughts of lack and limitation—we could well spend our whole lives running from them, trying to escape them, constantly looking over our shoulders to see it they're gaining on us. We will be constantly exhausted, and totally unable to pause long enough to appreciate the blessings that would be available if we just stopped running.
But we don't have to do that. If we choose instead not to run, to stand our ground, then the Lord of our being—the Christ Presence that is our true identity—can dissolve those thoughts—those Egyptians—so that we can move forward free of their negative energy. But simply standing firm isn't enough, as the Lord immediately reminds Moses. It's brave to stand and trust that God will save the day. But, as Unity minister Eric Butterworth wrote, God can only do for us what God can do through us. So here, once Moses has assured the people that God will provide, the Lord—his own inner guidance, his connectedness to Divine Mind—says, "Why do you cry out to me? ... Lift up your staff!" We always have the means at hand to solve any challenge; the Power of God is not withholding anything from us. The Power of God will part the Red Sea, but Moses has to 'lift up his staff' to allow it to happen.
The same is true for us. When facing a challenge, our first thought should be “the Power of God in me can easily dissolve this challenge.” And our second thought should be, How can I lift my staff to allow God to work through me? Blessings!Rev. Ed
zondag 12 september 2010
Here beneath I share part of the wisdom of ¨Mysteries of Genesis¨written by Charles Fillmore
There are two ways of living open to man. One is Satan's way: through experience of evil man gains by contrast a concept of good. The other is God's way: through consciousness of good, man sees that evil is unreal and unnecessary. Every man and woman in the world is following one or the other of these two courses in the development of his individuality. Good and evil seem to be pitted against each other in the world, but it is not necessary for man to eat of the tree of good and evil; he need not have a knowledge of evil in order to realize the allness of good. If he follows God's way, which is to know the good first, last, and always, his mind will become so charged with good that evil will be to him totally unreal.
You will find men on every side meeting temptation in God's way, by knowing the good, affirming the good, and living it according to their faith in God. I know men who have never taken a drink of whiskey. They have not found it necessary to become intoxicated in order to experience the feeling of sobriety. They have better dominion over their appetites than those who have given up to Satan's way of experience. There are men in the world who are living a pure life. They know the joy of purity in the sex dominion. They have proved that dominion over sex, under the guidance of Spirit, is a necessary part of the regeneration taught by Jesus. "For there are eunuchs, that were so born from their mother's womb: and there are eunuchs, that were made eunuchs by men: and there are eunuchs, that made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake."
Gen. 3:1-5.
"Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which Jehovah God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of any tree of the garden? And the woman said unto the serpent, Of the fruit of the trees of the garden we may eat: but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: for God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as God, knowing good and evil."
The serpent is sense consciousness. It may also be called desire, sensation, or the activity of life in external manifestation apart from the divine source of life. "Woman" represents love or feeling in the individual consciousness and symbolizes the soul. Desire for sensation or activity in the external first tempts the soul, the center of feeling and emotion. The temptation of sense is at first very subtle, entering the consciousness to stir up doubt and slyly asking the question "Why not?" From the center of one's being the life-giving, ever-bearing tree of the Spirit of God spreads its branches into every department of mind and body. Its fruits are intelligence to the mind, substance to the body, and life to the entire being. The warning given by Jehovah
God was that man should not eat of (appropriate) the fruit of this tree. In spiritual revelation we discern that man's cardinal mistake is to appropriate the pure essence of God in order to experience selfish sensuous pleasure.
The serpent is slyly suggesting to the soul that it indulge in the pleasures of sense and that the experience will result in a deeper understanding of God and His laws. The individual can always find arguments that to his own mind justify indulgence. This tendency may be described as sensation beguiling man from his Garden of Eden consciousness.
Gen. 3:6-7.
And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat; and she gave also unto her husband with her, and he did eat. And the eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig-leaves together, and made themselves aprons.
Woman, the intuitive or feeling side of man's nature, discerns that activity in ideas begets knowledge, but the knowledge gained is not necessarily of a divine nature. Love or feeling (woman) acting independently of wisdom (man) is not reliable. The "eyes" are the perceptive faculty of mind, and unless the perception is established in Truth one sees or perceives duality. When one delights in knowledge that is less than Truth, one's capacity to receive inspiration direct from Divine Mind is lessened or lost. Both love (woman) and wisdom (man) become involved in a counterfeit knowledge through "eating" ideas inappropriate to the divine nature.
In the Scriptures figs are representative of the "seed" of man. This seed is in its original essence mind energy, and when ideas are kept in contact with Divine Mind, the seed of man is the life stream in its original purity. Man's sin is the misappropriation of ideas, which leads to sensation. When man and woman are joined--that is, one in sin--they are unclothed of the garment of Truth or "naked."
When wisdom and love, man and woman, are joined in the consciousness that God inspires all their thoughts and acts, the gross sensations of the flesh will be "lifted up," that is, glorified. "I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto myself." This is the "holy marriage."
Gen. 3:8-12.
And they heard the voice of Jehovah God walking in the garden in the cool of the day; and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of Jehovah God amongst the trees of the garden. And Jehovah God called unto the man, and said unto him, Where art thou? And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself. And he said, Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat? And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat.
The "cool of the day" represents the relaxation or emptiness that follows sense expression. After the high tide of sensation has subsided, the voice of Jehovah God, commonly called conscience, is heard. Man is convinced that he has acted out of harmony with divine law. After experiencing sensation the picture visualized by the conscious mind is impressed on the life stream and sets up a subconscious tendency. Consciousness would hide from facing this situation, taking refuge amongst the "trees of the garden" (other sensations), but this is not the way to redemption. Every idea is to be dealt with. All error is forgiven when Truth is brought to bear on it, and if this method is pursued, only constructive thought habits will be put into activity in the subconscious realm of mind.
Jehovah God walks continually in the garden (the body) calling unto Adam (life), and when man raises his thoughts and feelings Godward, he contacts the inspiration of Being and builds again the immortal consciousness.
The soul or "woman" is the feminine aspect of man. It is through the affections (love) that man becomes involved in sensation. When a desire of the soul (woman) presses for attention, man often gives way to his feelings instead of raising them, through wisdom, to conform to higher principles.
In Truth feeling must be disciplined and refined and desire for sense pleasure eliminated. When consciousness is purified through the knowledge of Truth and thought force is established in harmonious relation to divine ideas, the woman (feeling) will be joined with man (wisdom) and the holy marriage (generation of divine ideas) will again be consummated. "Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh," writes the author of Genesis, and Jesus verifies it in Matthew 19:5: "For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife; and the two shall become one flesh." Indescribable joy is the heritage of those who submit their sex relations to God in prayer.
Gen. 3:13-14.
And Jehovah God said unto the woman, What is this thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat. And Jehovah God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, cursed art thou above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life.
Man, ever seeking an excuse for sin, puts the blame on God for endowing him with sensation. Sensation is itself a divine creation, and all God's creation was pronounced "good." This brings us to the root cause of the appetite that craves stimulants and goes to excess in seeking satisfaction. Through listening to the serpent of sense, man goes beyond the limit set by natural or divine law and becomes a glutton and drunkard of sensation. The remedy is for him to take up the problem from a spiritual standpoint in the knowledge that sensation is a mental quality that can be satisfied only by his cultivating the spiritual side of his nature.
When the desire for sensation leads man to dissipate the precious fruit of the tree of life in his earthly garden, the whole nervous system is depleted and loses its capacity to contact the higher life current and supermind wisdom. Then man feels a lack of something; he is "naked." Sensation is no longer a heavenly ecstasy but a fleshly vibration, and crawls on its "belly," eating "dust" all the days of its life.
We often wonder why God cursed the serpent since He created him for the very purpose of enabling man to have sensation. The author of Genesis discerned that certain principles were in operation; that when the creative life which Jehovah God breathed into man's nostrils was taken away, there would be a fall from divine union and man would have to suffer certain conditions that would follow. So the curse was not imposed directly by Jehovah but as a result of man's breaking certain laws.
Gen. 3:15-19.
And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed: he shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy pain and thy conception; in pain thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee. And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in toil shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life; thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field; in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.
The seed of the woman is from God; it is the spiritual life that comes from the fountainhead. The seed of the serpent is fallen sense consciousness, and there is enmity between the two. The effect, as set forth in the text describing the suffering common to most women, needs no metaphysical interpretation. The interpretation usually given is that the "seed" that bruised the head of the serpent was Jesus. But these verses were written long before the time of Jesus, so they must refer to certain principles. The heel represents the activity of the will in the body. When one is willful the tendency is to force the heel into the ground. When you do that you are determined.
When you make up your mind that you are not going to be governed by your sensations, you plunge the whole man into spiritual consciousness, through which you are protected from sense. All through the account of the fall of man are found these promises of redemption, implications that man has within him a saving consciousness.
The story of Eve symbolizes the truth that instead of bringing forth ideas in the realm of supersubstance, the feminine is compelled to clothe its ideas with flesh and bring them forth in the earthly consciousness.
Having lost consciousness of God as its guiding light, the soul turns to its highest concept of wisdom, the intellect (husband). The intellect, having lost contact with its inner light, is no longer possessed of the ability to ideate direct from God, and man is forced to cultivate the ground and toil physically.
Jesus demonstrated man's spiritual ability when, direct from the ether as a substance base, He produced the fishes and loaves to feed more than five thousand persons.
zaterdag 11 september 2010
Sabía usted que:. . . el aguacate (palta), ha sido llamado el alimento más perfecto del mundo? Se ha logrado esta distinción porque muchos nutricionistas afirman que no sólo contiene todo lo que una persona necesita para sobrevivir; pero también se ha encontrado que contribuye a la prevención y control de la enfermedad como Alzheimer, cáncer, enfermedades cardíacas, diabetes y otras condiciones de salud. El aguacate (Persea gratissima o P. americana) se originó en Puebla, México y su uso más antiguo se remonta a 10.000 años AC. Desde el año 900, el árbol de aguacate se ha cultivado y cultiva en América Central y del Sur. En el siglo 19, el aguacate hizo su entrada en California, y se ha convertido en un cultivo comercial muy exitoso. Noventa y cinco por ciento (95%) de los aguacates producidos en los EE.UU. crecen en el sur de California.
El aguacate, tiene un alto contenido de fibra, sodio, y libre de colesterol, alimento que proporciona cerca de 20 nutrientes esenciales, incluyendo la fibra. Es rico en grasas saludables monoinsaturadas y poliinsaturadas (como los ácidos grasos omega 3), vitaminas A, C, D, E K, y vitaminas del complejo B (tiamina, riboflavina, niacina, ácido pantoténico, biotina, vitamina B-6, vitamina B-12 y ácido fólico), así como el potasio.
Los alimentos naturalmente ricos en ácidos grasos omega 3, como el aguacate, son ampliamente reconocidos como el secreto para tener un corazón sano, un cerebro brillante y ojos de águila. Dr. Daniel G. Amen, un neurocientífico clínico, psiquiatra, experto en creación de imágenes del cerebro y autor del bestseller del New York Times, "Cambia tu Cerebro, Cambia tu Vida" incluye al aguacate como uno de los alimentos más importantes que puede ayudar a prevenir la enfermedad de Alzheimer. Eso no sólo a causa del contenido en ácidos grasos omega-3 del aguacate, sino también su ... ==>Contenido de vitamina E - Revista internacional llamada Alzheimer 's de Enfermedades y Trastornos Asociados , presentó sus conclusiones de años de ensayos clínicos - las dosis elevadas de vitamina E pueden neutralizar los radicales libres y la acumulación de proteínas para revertir la pérdida de memoria en los pacientes de Alzhéimer; contrarrestar los síntomas del Alzheimer en las etapas temprana y retrasar la progresión de la enfermedad; ==>
Contenido de folato - ayuda a prevenir la formación de las fibras nerviosas enredadas asociados con la enfermedad de Alzheimer.Las virtudes del aguacate son demasiado numerosas para mencionarlas, pero aquí señalamos algunos cuantos beneficios para la salud que su perfil nutricional proporciona: * Las grasas monoinsaturadas - Estos tipos de grasas ayudan a controlar los triglicéridos en la sangre, disminuir el colesterol en la sangre y controlar la diabetes. ·
El folato - Esta vitamina B soluble en agua-promueve el desarrollo saludable de las células y tejidos. Según el "Instituto Nacional de la Oficina de Salud de los Suplementos Dietéticos", "Esto es especialmente importante durante los períodos de rápida división celular y el crecimiento como en la infancia y el embarazo. El folato es también esencial para el metabolismo de la homocisteína y ayuda a mantener niveles normales de este aminoácido. "* Luteína - Este es un carotinoide (pigmento natural) que protege contra las cataratas y ciertos tipos de cáncer, y reduce el riesgo de degeneración macular, la principal causa de ceguera en adultos de 65 años de edad y mayores.
Los aguacates contienen tres veces o más luteína que en otras verduras y frutas comunes. • Ácido oleico y Potasio - Ambos nutrientes también ayudan a reducir el colesterol y reducir el riesgo de presión arterial alta.
dinsdag 10 augustus 2010
The relaxation factor and the signal and noice response
”To enter the silence means leaving outer and inner places of noise,!!!!
It’s very hard for the mind to be silent. In fact, the mind exists just because there are thoughts and more thoughts. The mass considers this, as mindfulness while it’s not, its mental noise.That’s why the mass is not interested in relaxation-techniques and meditation,
As one relaxes with the awareness gently focused on present experience–guided by a psychiatrist or Teacher of meditation- sensitivity increases and attempts to manage the experience slowly and will yield to the acceptance of the healing energies. Through relaxation thus one enters into the sensitivity-cycle. The barrier to enter the sensitivity-cycle is the attachment to noise. Noise includes distraction maneuvers, wrong insight and interpretation; fear to follow on, not opening up for other opinions etc.
The relaxation is effected by different techniques:. I prefer three of these techniques:A)guided relaxation, B) laying on of hands and C) the Inner Child technique.
A) Guided relaxation technique
This technique consists of having each person concentrate on the different body parts.
B) Laying on of hands. The person lies or sits and experience the human touch of caring love
C) The Inner Child technique is to enter in fixed places of moise in the subconscious mind of the person in need.
The process of relaxation
First there’s a place when one relaxes, where one drops external concerns and allow the mind and body to reorient. This stage is completion of one thing and opening up to what’s next, allowing the next thing that wants to happen to come into consciousness. This step is characterized by passiveness and is an opening up for the physical, emotional and mental needs.For example say, you were working the whole day. You stop, relax and realize that you’re hungry as hell or that you feel alone. To avoid this signal means that you prefer the noise of avoidance and distraction than the clear signal.If one accepts the signal, which emerged, then one comes to some form of insight, perhaps after a lot of emotional struggle and confusion.Staying thus with the primordial signal of hunger one comes to the insight “I will eat a tuna-fish” or with the sense of loneness one decides “I must go to a happy hour”. The habits that avoid one to gather the right information to come to clarity are called “insight barriers”,When helping someone with any problem -concentration problem, social interaction-problem, physical and psychic problem etc. - it’s very important to increase the ratio of the signal sent out by the body or mind through lowering the noise-factor.A technical definition of signal is the necessary message or information.A technical definition of noise is whatever distorts, prevents, interferes with or changes the signal down to the point where the signal might not be localized or received at all.The process of the “signal to noise ratio” is handled by different techniques but the basic technique is the relaxation-technique.
The basic Law of Relaxation: With a minimum of effort, a maximum of result. Relaxation is a way to decrease the noise-level to zero.Less noise, more sensitivity.Less noise, more awareness.
Guided Relaxation The purpose of the guided relaxation is that the client will perform afterwards on a regular base the techniques given. If you never have been in a guided relaxation or guided meditation session, try it out. It can be through a teacher physically present or through a casett or cd. Its much more fruitful then you doing it on your own.
The Inner Child technique- an Inner JourneyThis technique is given after that the person has experienced how easy it is to transfer the mind from noise to silence. The Transpersonal School of Psychology of California divides initially our personality in different aspects: a) The child in us b) The adult in us c) The parent in us. Afterwards other streams of thought came to the next and more complete distinction: a) The child in us b) The adult in us c) The Higher Self in us.
The child-aspect is the aspect in us which is guided by instincts of survival.It reveals itself at the moment we ask for /demand love, if we ask for and demand care, guidance, responsibility and respect.
The adult-aspect is the aspect in us which was developed through all those who have nurtured us by guidance, love etc. It is active when we are ready to give love, care, guidance, responsibility and respect. The love, guidance, responsibility is in a process of different degrees of conditional love.
The Higher Self, the Divine aspect in us, is the realm of unconditional love. This manifests itself as unconditional and pure love, abundant wisdom and devotion for all which lives.
Different aspects of the Inner Child
The Child aspect in us can be divided in:
1.the neglected child. This aspect is created through not receiving loving attention due to malevolent parents, due to death of both or one of the parents or due to tensions at home.
2. The wounded child. This aspect is formed by all the negative experiences such as punishment bad words and illness.
3. The playful child. This is the humoristic side in us which is appreciated or not by others. During periods of crises the neglected and wounded child in us manifest very strong in us. Hidden and suppressed resistances, emotions of hate and pain will then be expressed as rebellion, intolerance and victim-consciousness.
How these three aspects can be transformed through the adult or Higher Self?
1. Trough radiating towards others those aspects which were not developed well in yourself. Instead of staying on the level of the child, you should transfer your consciousness towards the adult-aspect in you so to give love, attention and responsibility to the child level in the other in stead of demanding those aspects of the other.
2. Trough invoking with the aid of a well trained person those child aspects in you through Reiki-treatment and/or an Inner Child-treatment..
Some remarkable statements how noise was/is created or sustained:
•“The way I treat my Inner Child is the way I am going to treat my outer child”-Robert M. Stein
•“What has been spoiled by a father can only be made good by a father just as what has been spoiled by the mother can only be repaired by the mother” Carl G.Jung
•“What has been spoiled by a man can only be made good by a man just as what has been spoiled by a woman can only be repaired by a woman” C.G.Jung
•“The child picks up only the unresolved conflicts of the parents”. C.G.Jung
•“In order to understand your own childhood, it is important to know what the house whispered when you were a child or what it continues to whisper.” Susanne Short
•It is also very important to realize that we are creating the situations around us according to our own thoughts and emotions. Negative thoughts and emotions can never create a positive world.
•After hearing the story of the client, the workshop-leader should go on with contacting the person and not the story
.•Those who had a difficult birth has problems with taking decisions; those who came straight out of the matrix, take strong decisions; those who were born premature are pro-active; those who were born though caesarian incision are afraid of a confrontation.”. Marion Woodman, a Jungian analyst
Reikimaster/ Student of yoga and Yoga-teacher of his friends/ Rosicrucian/ Mason/ Member of Unity Church/ Student/ Teacher of Qaballah/
zaterdag 12 juni 2010
An Atheist don't believe in a supernatural being or a group of supernatural beings who has a plan for humanity.The atheists consider that there is no higher being in creation then man.
A non- atheist or better said a theist (theos= god) believes in a supernatural being or a group of supernatural beings who has a plan for humanity and is rewarding and punishing thouse who are not cooperating with the Divine plan.
God is most of the time a name given to a power or complex of powers which surpasses our understanding. Some of the theists consider that the power is within and other theists consider that this power is beyond the physical universe. Through these powers different persons have got tremendous results: healing of diseases which scientists declared that they are incurable . others got creative ideas though which they got rich etc.
But there is a group consisting of million men and woman who cannot be placed neither in the group of theists or atheists, because they have characteristics of both groups. These ones believe in a power which is within and without which can be reached through the theistic way by prayer of adoration and also through the non-theistic way by going into the silence and get contact with the energyfield beyond the energy of atoms, electrons, photrons, neutrons etc. This field is called in Transcendental Meditation the Unified Field. It's good to know that the word meditation has a complete other description when practiced by theists or by non-theistic ones. They have not certain strange beliefs that theists carry around.*
The new era in science begun by Carl Gustav Jung and Einstein and they were followed by Fridjof Copra and Deepak Chopra. These great thinkers could have united the group of atheists and theists if ignorance and fanaticism could have been erased in each of these groups. Those antagonistic groups would have understood that the energy beyond all energies is called God by the one side and at the other side it's called Nature.
The Energy beyond all already known energies cannot be erased by no one and till now no one-neither those who call this energy God and nor those who call it Nature- has got to know this Energy completely. And we are part of this energy, called God or Nature. What's in a name!
In the third edition of “Tao of Physics” Fridjof Copra distinguished 6 paradigms which are now used by scientists.
a. The ancient paradigm of Democritus which was further developed by Descartes and Newton was based on the study based ofthe different parts of a unity. Those scientists of the past could not imagine the dynamics of the wholeness on the parts. The change came after the quantum energy was revealed to the minds of men. (This was not revealed by God, no. It was revealed when men could have a jump in consciousness and come to an enlightment about the unity of all. Plato called the source of inspiration, the Plane of Ideas)
b. The second paradigm came after putting emphasis on the process and not on the structure. We call this the theory of relativity.
c. The third paradigm is that you cannot separate the observer from the process of observation. The observer influences by his thoughts processes of observation, for example some seeing light sometimes as a stream of electrons and sometimes as a wave.
d. The fourth paradigma within the new development in science is, that you must see all as a network and not as a primal force, secondary force and so on. This was based on different observations, for example the fact of observing that neutrons can become neutrons, photrons or electrons or vice versa.
e. The fifth paradigm is that scientist has come to the conclusion that you cannot explain all with the reason.
f.The paradigm of controlling nature is changed more and more into the one of cooperaration and synchronizing with nature.
* But there is another problem about Godconcepts. The same persons who describe God as the source of Love, describe him as one who punishes and rewards. The same ones who consider God as an eternal being, consider that he is doing something now and somemething tomorrow. In short they are talking about a God who is captivated in time and space.
**And then they cross the line of all good understanding saying that the all-loving God has sent his son to be crucified so that all men can be saved. I don't believe in such a God. Neither do I consider that God needs a being called devil who has to test people on their readiness to be in heaven. Jesus was crucified not for our sins, but through our sins.
***I believe in evil as something created by men during the many aeons of creation and part of that evil is the way many religions describe the Eternal One.
So with this long story , I wanted to say 1. theists and atheists are giving just different names to the same energy and 2. never any of them will understand the workings of that energy if not through synchronization, resonance with that energy 3. Perhaps we have the need to give this all present and all-pervading energy a name, but the Energy will stay the same energy with whatsoever name you label it.
zondag 6 juni 2010
God is Spirit, the loving source of all that is. God is the one power, all good, everywhere present, all wisdom. God is divine energy, continually creating, expressing and sustaining all creation. In God, we live and move and have our being. In Unity, some other ways we speak of God are Life, Light, Love, Substance, Principle, Law and Universal Mind.
We believe that Jesus expressed his divine potential and sought to show humankind how to express ours as well. We see Jesus as a master teacher of universal truths and as our Way Shower. In Unity, we use the term Christ to mean the divinity in humankind. Jesus is the great example of the Christ in expression.
The Nature of Humankind
We are each individual, eternal expressions of God. Our essential nature is divine and therefore inherently good. Our purpose is to express our divine potential as realized and demonstrated by Jesus and other master teachers. The more we awaken to our divine nature, the more fully God expresses in and through our lives.
The Bible
Unity founders Charles and Myrtle Fillmore studied the Bible as history and allegory and interpreted it as a metaphysical representation of humankind's evolutionary journey toward spiritual awakening. In addition, Unity recognizes that the Bible is a complex collection of writings compiled over many centuries. We honor the writings as reflecting the understanding and inspiration of the writers at the time they were written. The Bible continues to be a valuable spiritual resource for us.
Our Teachings
Unity teaches that each person is a unique expression of God created with sacred worth. Living from that awareness transforms our lives and the world. Unity emphasizes the creative power of thought in our life experience. We refer to this as the Law of Mind Action. When we take personal responsibility to choose life-affirming thoughts, words and actions, we experience a more fulfilling and abundant life. Unity emphasizes the importance of applying spiritual principles in our daily lives. Unity teachings continue to evolve as we identify, embrace and apply spiritual insights and the spiritual implications of new discoveries.
Prayer and Meditation
Affirmative prayer is the highest form of creative thought. It includes the release of counterproductive, negative thoughts, as well as holding in mind statements of spiritual truth. Through meditation, we experience the presence of God. Prayer and meditation heighten our awareness and thereby transform our lives.
Youth and Family Ministry
Unity recognizes that there are many expressions of family life. All are welcome. Unity creates an affirming environment that fosters positive self-image, personal responsibility and unconditional love and acceptance.
Beholds all children as whole and perfect expressions of God.
Empowers children to fulfill their divine potential.
Teaches children to meditate and pray.
Invites children to experience a loving God.
Unity provides a strong spiritual foundation for children's lives.Spiritual Action In Unity, we feel a sacred responsibility, individually and collectively, to make a positive difference through personal example and active service in our churches, our communities and our world.
donderdag 27 mei 2010
-sosegá i drumi mihó
-pa hasi mihó kontakto ku e presensia di Dios den Bo (e ta por sierto un "sine qua non" pa haña kontakto ku Dios)
Relahashon por keda fortifiká pa medio di visualisashon, pero e tema di visualisashon meresé un pagina apart.
vrijdag 14 mei 2010
Fresh Eyes on Jesus Are we made in the image of God?
Are we made in the image of God or are we children of the Devil (sinners).
There are some people who have chosen to completely de-emphasize the ministry of Jesus, because the dogma and doctrines of Christianity and the warfare against heretics left them confused and perplexed. For some, it is easier to throw the baby out with the bathwater, and move on to a new, more life-affirming belief system.
While I developed myself in Catholicism from 1958 -as a baby I was baptized protestant- I was practicing at the same time Yoga and very soon after that Theosophy and Rosicrucianism. But ever I was focussed on the Man who activated the Christ Consciousness:Jesus th Christ. Very early in my life I discovered the Unity Church, which is offering an explanation of the Sciptures which resonates better with other great religions and holy scriptures. I realized that mankind could have both a clearer understanding of the universal spiritual Laws and Principles, which govern life, and embrace a metaphysical understanding of the role of Jesus, as Wayshower and Waymaker into its daily life through Unity!!
The "Messiah" is an idea and hope that runs through every page of the Scriptures, announcing his character, his time of coming, the type and details of his mission. And the Messiah was and still is, the core of the heart of every Jew. He was promised to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David... he shall save Israel and the whole world!
But not everyone was reading from the same script. One reason is that the Jewish Scriptures, the Old Testament, make about 300 prophecies of a suffering, servant Messiah, but make about 500 prophecies of the triumphant King. Some rabbis talked about two Messiahs, but for most Jews, the "triumphant one" is the Messiah they were expecting. For some people, the Servant could not be the Messiah, precisely because he is depicted as suffering. The Jewish Messiah for them is a triumphant military and political figure, whose coming marks the end of the era of mortality.
In Psalm 22, we read of the agony and suffering of the Servant Messiah: My God, my God, why have you abandoned me? Why are you so far away when I groan for help? Every day I call to you, my God, but you do not answer. Every night you hear my voice, but I find no relief. Yet you are holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel. Our ancestors trusted in you, and you rescued them. They cried out to you and were saved. They trusted in you and were never disgraced. But I am a worm and not a man. I am scorned and despised by all! Everyone who sees me mocks me. They sneer and shake their heads, saying, �Is this the one who relies on the Lord? Then let the Lord save him! If the Lord loves him so much, let the Lord rescue him!�
By contrast, the Prophecies of Zechariah and Isaiah, (Is. 2 & Zech. 14) spoke of the other Messiah, the "Son of David," a triumphant king, who will lead Israel to the ultimate victory, and bring the Messianic era of bliss, where Jerusalem would be the capital of the world, and all the nations will come to offer their respects and goods to the Lord and to Israel.
Christianity, radically reworked all of this material to combine the two figures into one: A suffering Messiah who dies, and a victorious Messiah, who resurrects... and brings eternal life in Heaven, to those who believe in Him.
In Greek, the term Messiah is translated as "the Christ." Charles Fillmore, cofounder of Unity, writes in The Revealing Word:Christ is the perfect idea of God for man. Jesus is the perfect expression of the divine idea Man. Jesus Christ is a union of the two, the idea and the expression, or in other words, He is the perfect man demonstrated.
I believe that Jesus was a student of the scriptures, and that he fully embraced all the prophecies about the coming Kingdom. I also believe that early in His life, he committed Himself to expressing and fulfilling all the Messianic prophecies that inspired His people.
Although He was so incredibly young, he was completely devoted to that mission, and stayed on course, even though He realized that it would not be a cake-walk. What sustained Him was the sure conviction that His mission was completely dependent on letting Spirit do the work, and that He did not have to do it alone.
The three years He spent revealing the Christ Principle activated in many incarnations, were far from easy, and things got even harder as He went along. But I believe that Jesus was so willingly to fulfill the Messianic expectations of His people, that he never wavered from His mission.
Jesus was full of encouragement and joy, even as he knew what awaited Him as the suffering aspect of the Messianic prophecy. Jesus was a young man on a mission. He remembered who he was, why He came, and who sent Him.
And don't consider the heretic words of the Church that God - with qualities as Love, Wisdom and Allmightiness- had sent his only begotten so to die for our sins. We are all onl- begotten-sons of God, but we are most of the time not accomplishing our mission. And sometimes we don't honor men in whom Christ Consciousness was activated in one or another degree: we killed Ghandi, Martin Luther King etc. We honor Madre Teresa and we let people die from hunger in other places, we honor Jesus and still we are not ready to become aware of global warming.
Jesus had activated the "I am that I am"-power manifested to Mozes in the burning bush and that's why he could have done all the miracles. Mozes also attained powers through the I Am-presence and that's why he could download the natural forces so to let the Pharaoh know that the Jewish people were ready for a new status. ( I don't hope that still you are believing that a God of love had sent plagues towards the pharaoh).
Are we ready to show that we are created in the image of God? Are we moved by the breath of God? How can every one of us show our tendency to activate the Christ Conciousness in ourselves? By living the Ten Commandments of Moses or the Two Commandments of Jesus promoting that everyone is having his daily bread, his daily prosperity; that education and spirituality is directed towards activating the Christ Consciousness; by creating a right understanding of God; by honoring our parents, teachers and elders; by loving every living thing; by showing Divine Wisdom, Divine Strength and Divine Beauty instead of just talking about these high qualities..
vrijdag 7 mei 2010
Demokrasia partisipativo
Un Asamblea pa traha riba Konstitushon ta un reunión nashonal –den e kaso aki pa ku territorio di Kòrsou- forma dor di delegashonnan di diferente gremio di pueblo –pues no un Asamblea representativo, pero un partisipativo- elegí of nombrá denter di e gremio ku e ophetivo espesífiko di forma reglanan di funshonamento i distribushon di Poder komo fundeshi di su sistema polítiko i soshal.
Mester keda reglanan básiko konkretisá a trabes di un pakto entre representantenan di e diferente gremionan pa medio di kua lo fiha i dikta reglanan mas espesifiká pa konstrukshon di un Estado nobo ku ta garantisá konbibensia entre e Poder publiko i sosiedat, ku ta kontené e obligashon di sigui na un manera rigido e Principio di Trias Politika i rèspèt pa e Derechinan Fundamental di Hende.
· Esaki ta un sistema di establesé un demokrasia partisipativo i kibra e sistema
di regentenan iluminá ku tin e lema di tur kos pa e pueblo, nada dor di pueblo.
· A base di artikulo 8 di Deklarashon Universal di Derechinan Humano lo
mester tin un lei a base di kua siudadanonan lo por manifestá nan derechinan
· Siudanonan di kada bario òf grupo di bario ta haña partisipashon konkreto pa
ku nan bario.
NOTA 2 : Lesa den nos kaso "Konstitushon" komo “Regla di Estado”.
zaterdag 1 mei 2010
vrijdag 30 april 2010
donderdag 22 april 2010
E komunikashon aki ta diferente na e diferente otro komunikashonnan di e Blog aki, pero semper e tin di haber ku sinseridat pa ku otro-identifikashon khorizontal- i pa e Ser Supremo-identifikashon vertikal.
Pakiko Gobiernu i sierto partido politiko a traha un Konstitushon sin hasi esfuerzo di involunkrá partispashon di tur gremio di nos komunidat dor di forma un Asamblea pa traha riba Konstitushon?????
Un Asamblea pa traha riba Konstitushon ta un reunión nashonal –den e kaso aki pa ku territorio di Kòrsou- forma dor di delegashonnan di diferente gremio di pueblo –pues no un Asamblea representativo, pero un partisipativo- elegí of nombra denter di kada gremio ku e ophetivo espesifiko di forma reglanan di funshonamento i distribushon di Poder komo fundeshi di su sistema polítiko i soshal i di konkretisá e reglanan a través di un pakto polítiko den un Konstitushon ku lo fiha i dikta reglanan pa konstrukshon di un Estado nobo i di konbibensia entre e Poder publiko i sosiedat, ku e obligashon di sigui Principio di Trias Politika i rèspèt pa e Derechinan Fundamental di Hende.·
*Esei ta un sistema di establesé un demokrasía partisipativo i kibra e sistema di regentenan iluminá ku tin e lema di tur kos pa e pueblo, nada dor di pueblo. ·
*A base di artikulo 8 di Deklarashon Universal di Derechinan Humano lo mester tin un lei a base di kua siudadanonan lo por manifestá nan derechinan fundamental.
*Siudanonan di kada bario òf grupo di bario ta haña partisipashon konkreto pa ku nan bario.
woensdag 21 april 2010
What the personalitY is we can know through the different psychologists and philosophers, but not all people are acquainted with the word "causal body" or" supracausal body".
The Monad is a spark of the Divine Fire, a light-beam of the Divine Light, a fragment of the Divine Life, a projection of the First Logos.
The Soul OR Supracausal body is a projection of the Monad. The relation of the Soul to the Monad is as the circle to the point of the circle. The soul consists of the so called higher triad: atman (Will), budhi (Activity) and Higher manas (wisdom).
The personality is a projection of the Soul. Its relation to the Soul is as a free electron to an atom. The personality consists of the so called lower triad: Lower Manas (intellect), Kama (desires) and Stula (material body).
The causal body owes its name to the fact that in it are residing the causes, which will manifest themselves in the lower planes. It is a vehicle, a chalice for the Soul and expresses all the soul qualities, which the personality has acquired. Only humans have a causal body.
We will reflect on the Macrocosmic process of and in creation and afterwards on the microcosmic process.
The Monad
During every Day of Brahma (creation-period of millions of years) there are created Monads. These Monads project their radiance in the different spheres through the impulses of the First Logos and will be united again with the First Logos before the end of the Day of Brahma. Then follows a Night of Brahman (a non-creation period of millions of years) and in the next Day of Brahma the Monads will go through a higher cycle of development within matter.
The Monad as described in the Theosophical school is the Jivatma of the Indian philosophy, the Purusha of the Samkya philosophy, the Manifested Self of the Vedanta, as Kether in the Qaballistic doctrine.
The Monads come forth from the highest region of Consciousness, Adi (= the first), but reside as a manifestation thereof on a lower plane, the plane of Anudapaka (=without vesture). The Monad on the Anudapaka-plane does not have vehicles of expression yet. It’s important to note that the fields of Consciousness called Adi and Anudapaka exist before the forming of this Universe, of this solar system. There are 7 types of Monads, which correspond with the 7 Planetary Logoi.(The Planetary Logoi are emanations of the Solar Logos.)
Adi is synonym to the Qaballistic concept of “Ain Soph” and Anudapaka similar to “Ain Soph Aur”
Formation of the planes
Before the Monads are projected by the First Logos, the Third Logos (Other names of the Third Logos in different mystical philosophies are: the Holy Ghost, Shiva, Cosmic Architect of the Universe.) works on the primordial matter by throwing its three qualities tamas (inertia), rajas (mobility) and sattvas (rhythm) out of their stable equilibrium into different forms of equilibrium. And so are formed the atoms of the five planes of Atman, Buddhi, Manas, Kama and Stula..
Under the directive activity of the Third Logos the atoms of each of these planes are awakened to new powers and possibilities of attraction and thus are formed the different molecule-structures. This work of the Third Logos is usually spoken of as the First Life Wave or the First Outpouring.
Into the matter formed and vivified through the Third Logos descends then a second Life Wave coming forth from the Second Logos, the Son of the Father. The Second Logos is also called the Weaver for it weaves out of the matter formed by the Third Logos the different Kingdoms (the three elemental kingdoms, the mineral kingdom, the vegetative kingdom, the animal kingdom). The Second Outpouring brought a great differentiation on the different planes of Life. The Second Outpouring brings with it beings of previous stages of evolution to inhabit the three elemental Kingdoms.
The activity of the Second Logos in the field of Stuhla is known as Life Force and in the field of Buddhi as Christ Consciousness.
The attachment of the atoms of the Higher Triad.
After the forming of the five planes, the Monads, which were waiting on the Anudaka-plane, began their process of individualization through the Third Outpouring produced by the First Logos. Now they began to radiate out their energy and they appropriated to themselves atoms of the lower planes. A Monad has three aspects of consciousness- Will, Wisdom and Activity. After the planes of Atma, Budhi and Manas were brought forth by the Second Outpouring /the Second Life stream they sent out a vibratory wave from each of their aspects to the Atmic, Budhic and manasic plane by which the Atmic permanent atom, the Budhic permanent atom and the manasic permanent atom were formed..
These atoms form the Monadic ray, the Higher Triad, the Soul. The higher Triad, which is formed by only a fragment of the Monad, has the full power of the Monad, though lessened in force by the veils of matter round it.
The Monads dwell always beyond the five planes, they stay on the Anudapaka-plane. In that sense they are the silent spectators of the results of their radiation.
The Monad can and does affect the Higher Triad, but exerts only an indirect action on the permanent atoms of the Lower Triad.
The attachment of the atoms of the lower Triad.
The Higher Triad -Atma, Budhi, Manas - projected the Mental, Astral and Physical permanent atoms -the Lower Triad of Manas, Kama and Stuhla- so to be visible in the Physical Universe.
This visible manifestation goes through the different Kingdoms, the mineral kingdom, the vegetative kingdom, the animal kingdom and the human kingdom. As the human kingdom is approached, so the Monadic Essence is more noticeable.
When there is formed enough mental material, the unity with the Monad becomes greater. And through a spontaneous impregnation of the Monad and pulsated by the First Logos, the Causal Body will be formed as a focal point of the Monad. The appearance of the Causal body is at the same time the point of creation of the human soul, the individualization of the consciousness. This process of impregnation from the First Logos through the Monad is called the Third Life-stream.
On the buddhic plane the Second Logos manifests as the Christ-principle in man, but on the astral and mental planes of man it appears in the higher part of the astral as higher emotion and on the lower astral as just life-force.
Individualization, Soul and the forming of the Causal Body
The effort of reaching individualization -the first step on the way of Return- must be made from below i.e. by the animal.
When the process of individualization is taking place, the three aspects must all be called forth, nevertheless the first connection can be made as follows:
1. between the lower manas (intellect) and Manas (wisdom)
2. between the emotional body and buddhi
3. between the physical body and Atman
These various ways of making the connection is based on the character of the Master of the animal.
Sometimes there are examples of an abnormal process of individualization, This can happen through exposure to Great Beings and through pride (this happened with Beings in the Seventh Round of the Moon-chain), through fear or hatred (animals which have been treated cruelly by man), through desire for power over others (power such as is sometimes shown by the chief-bull of a herd)
The Causal Body, which is a vehicle of the Soul (the Triple spirit of Atma, Buddhi, Manas) and a storehouse for the essence of man’s experiences, is made of matter of the higher mental plane-the first, second and third mental plane, thus matter-energy on the plane of Manas.. As the Soul develops, its consciousness will be centered on the plane of Buddhi. In a later stage of evolution it will be residing on the plane of Atman. Whilst evil cannot be stored in the causal body, yet the practice of evil may hinder its development.
The relation of the Monad to the Soul
Each Monad is literally a part of God, apparently separated from Him while the Monad is enclosed in the veils of matter. The Monad can never be separated from God, for the very matter in which it veils itself is also a manifestation of the Divine. This Monad expresses itself through the Higher Triad in the individualized Soul. In the average man the Monad is little in touch with the personality and the Soul. But according to the degree that the Soul is controlling the personality (and this depends on the free will of the personality), the Monad gets more control over the soul. The time will come when the Monad will be one with the Soul, just as the personality becomes one with the Soul at the Fifth Planetary Initiation.
Whilst the Monad can be experienced only by an Adept (=One who has reached the Fifth Planetary Initiation) and the existence of it can only be known by an Arhat (=One who has reached the Fourth Planetary Initiation), still we must not make the mistake to think of the Monad as being very far away. For the Monad is the very root of our being.
The relationship of the Personality and the Soul.
The personality is a fragmented portion of the Soul and is an instrument by which the Soul intends to unfold its latent powers. So it puts itself down into successive personalities in a process which is called reincarnation.. Alas, the personality forgets his true mission –his dharma- and goes its own way.
One must not commit the mistake in thinking that there are two entities in man. Whilst there is mostly a great difference between Soul and personality, the difference is not in nature but in activity. The degree of absorbed soul activity by the personality is projected in a energy link between the Soul and the personality, the antahkarana. This antahkarana is mostly perceived as a thread of silver-white light by clairvoyants.
In ordinary men the soul seems to have neither much grip on the personality, nor a clear conception of its purpose in sending the personality forth. In the average man there is a constant strain going on between the astral and mental bodies –aspects of the Lower Triad- The cause and reason for this is that neither of these two bodies are in tune with the Soul or are prepared to act as a vehicle of the Soul.
The soul itself knows the true from the false, but generally when it casts an eye downwards, it finds so crazy a confusion of inconsequent thought-forms that it cannot distinguish anything definite. It seems to turn away in despair and decides to wait for the quietude of the heaven-world after death, before attempting to pick up the fragments of truth out of the chaos. (The disciple on the Path should of course try to bring about this heaven-world-condition while still in the physical body through periods of meditation and contemplation).
When the powers of the Soul are not stirred and attracted by the personality, the personality cannot respond to the higher vibrations of the higher mental planes of the Causal body. This added value to the soul mechanism of the human being can be fully enjoyed only by a new attitude of not permitting the physical, astral and mental body work on their own, but rather under the guidance of the Soul. This guidance of the Soul is acted upon by attracting a Senior-Disciple (mostly called a Master by us) who guides the process of reaching to the higher levels of being.